Saddle Fitting & New Saddles
At Balanced Saddle Fitting we sell new saddles by Albion, Erreplus, GFS, Amerigo, Pessoa, Trainers, Bates and Wintec, as well as providing expert Saddle Fitting services. We believe that in asking our horses to perform to the best of their ability as athletes, a correctly fitting saddle and a balanced rider are essential. Providing optimum comfort for your horse will enhance willingness to perform. A well-fitting saddle can be a key success factor in many riding partnerships, whilst a poorly fitted saddle can be extremely damaging to the horse. The advice and assistance of a knowledgeable and experienced saddle fitter is essential. Our saddle fitter Chris Barnett has over 16 years saddle fitting experience, including regular training in Europe.
We offer saddle fittings in Waiau Pa at Seagrove Equestrian. You are very welcome to bring your horse to our facilities for your saddle fitting.
Our on-site showroom means you can view and try new saddles in our private arena during your saddle fitting.
Yards and stables are available for your horse's safety and comfort during the fitting.
To book now please contact

Our saddle fitting service includes attending to you and your horse to assess your current saddle fit situation. Chris will work with your saddle where possible and make alterations to improve your saddle fit. If you wish to view new saddles you can choose from our wide range, and Chris can fit your new saddle to your horse. Chris can template on the day if you choose a custom made saddle. If you have saddle fit questions, or to book your saddle fitting time, please email us on

Chris visits GFS Saddles in the UK

Regional Saddle Fittings Days