We're delighted to support Caitlin in her dressage career, she is an absolute pleasure to work with. Caitlin has proved herself able to compete with the countries top professional riders and at that time was the youngest rider to ride Grand Prix in New Zealand. She is now riding youngster GSD Lucius (Lorenzo) in Grand Prix.
GC Lucius - Lorenzo - Albion Revelation dressage saddle
This young horse started out beautifully, winning three of their four tests at the Auckland Manukau Amateur and U25 Champs. With three scores over 70% on his first ever Novice start, he made his owner Liz Farrell very proud.
In 23-24 Lorenzo moved to Grand Prix and achieved:
Reserve Champion Grand Prix Bay of Plenty Dressage Champs
Champion Grand Prix Auckland Dressage Champs
Champion Grand Prix Northland Dressage Champs
Champion Advanced Medium Northland Dressage Champs
Rosari Royal Gem - Jason - Albion Revelation dressage saddle
Out of Kinnordy Gera and by Royal Diamond, Jason is now retired but competed Grand Prix. In 2017 Caitlyn and Jason took out Champion at the Northland Champs. Other achievements together include Reserve Champion Level 6/7 AMDG Dressage Champs 2014, Champion Young Rider Level 6/7 AMDG Dressage Champs 2014 and Reserve Champion Level 8 Bay of Plenty Dressage Champs 2015.
Le Connoisseur - Odie - Albion Platinum SLK dressage saddle
Caitlyn also rode Le Connoissuer to Level 5. Their achievements included Level 3 Champion Bay of Plenty Champs 2014, Level 4 Champion Taihape Champs 2014, Level 4 Reserve Champion Waitemata Champs 2014 and 6th Level 4 Horse of the Year 2014.
We look forward to seeing what comes next for this talented rider and her horses!