To reach as many horses as possible, we do travel around the North Island fairly often and hold Saddle Fitting Days in various locations. To see our upcoming regional clinics please check our social media for updates on Facebook or Instagram.
Areas we most often hold Saddle Fitting Clinics are: Warkworth, Waikato, Rotorua, Taupo and Fielding or Palmerston North in the Manuwatu.
Limited spaces are available for each Regional Saddle Fitting Day, so please contact info@saddlefitting.co.nz to book a time.
You can also bring your horse to us at Waiau Pa for saddle fitting - this is often the fastest way to get a booking - and we regularly travel to clients around the wider Auckland region. Find out more about booking individual saddle fitting services here.
What to expect if you book a spot at a Regional Saddle Fitting Day
Saddle fit appointments at Regional saddle fitting days are for 75 minutes each.
Chris brings a wealth of knowledge to these days, and can work with your existing saddle, or we can supply new saddle options that may work for you and your horse if you are looking to change, upgrade or if your existing saddle is not suitable.
We are proud to be the Agents for Erreplus, Albion, and GFS saddles in New Zealand, and stock trusted saddles from Amerigo, Bates, Pessoa, Trainers, and Wintec. Provided that we have photos and details of your horse, Chris can bring a large range of new saddles for you to explore at your appointment.
We will always select from the best local and international saddle brands so we can offer true variety and choice to ensure the very best fit with you, your horse and your budget.
Any changes made to your own existing saddle/s are an additional cost, such as wool packing, gullet changes, gullet resizing or repairs. Chris would be able to indicate what these would be once he has seen your horse and saddle together. Chris will attempt to repack saddles on site where possible.
In situations where more extensive work is required such as resizing a tree or a full re-flock, then the saddle will need to come back to his workshop, Chris can explain this to you and give you a time frame for the work to be completed if that proves to be the case.
If you are wishing for Chris to bring new saddle options with him, we will need some more information prior to your appointment, such as your discipline, style preferences, rider height and the budget you would like to work within, plus photos and details of your horse. See attachment.
Chris will have an eftpos machine with him, or he can take cash. Payment at the time of your appointment is expected and appreciated. Direct credits need to be made on the day, as we do not run accounts.
We do require a $100 deposit, per horse, to secure your appointment. This is fully refundable if for any reason we must cancel or postpone the saddle fitting clinic. However, it is not refundable if you do not show up for your appointment, or cancel within 5 days of your appointment.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
By booking our saddle fitting service you agree to our Terms & Conditions.